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In Culture

Initiative for Sustainable Cultural and Landscape Promotion in Europe

Our Vision

Our vision is to preserve this planet with its habitats. We focus in particular on Europe as a continent, on the scientific findings of the pioneers of past centuries and on the creators of modern eco-social world design.

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Our Mission

Maintain posture and let the face be preserved. 

Would observe and bring to the attention of man and living being in conscious dealings.

Show respect for diversity and traditional cultural sensibility. 

Bringing thinking-feeling into balance. 

Accept spirit and religiosity. 

Foreign determination to help develop freedom.

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Who we serve

We see the big ones in the small.

The growth possibilities of a leaf up to the treetop.“ 

We first serve life and believe in the inner creativeness of every human being. Individuality is not a promise of advertising, but the basis of every human effort in understanding the world.

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Nature and resource protection

Do you want to save planet Earth with our help?

Sustainable Lifestyle

Is it possible to make the world fairer and more ecological while still living a good life?

Think Tank

for an instruction manual

Would you like to participate?

We Transform Your Sustainable Vision into Creative Results

Masterteam for Sustainable Design

Sustainable design is always interdisciplinary and internationally oriented. The focus is on a deeper examination of the central topic of sustainability for the future, taking into account social, economic and ecological aspects.

Institutions and companies and research institutions are involved in laying a promising basis for work practice, or test and expand the in-house sustainability strategy in order to continue to operate successfully in the increasingly global context and with multidisciplinary teams.

In Culture
Initiative for Sustainable Cultural and
Landscape Promotion in Europe

What significance does sustainability have for your company?

Performance Solutions

Boost your sustainable Success

Did you know?

Each employee is also the image carrier of the company.

Motivational trainings for the sustainable use of work equipment and resources are as useful as carrying a dog to hunt in correspondence with current consciousness researchers.

Our approach is holistic, innovative and inclusive.

In the communication seminar or workshop for sustainability, we not only develop a guide to the sustainability strategy for your company, but also the important one for a company or institution in terms of value perception, market dynamics and external appearance. Aspects of appreciative leadership.

This is how a team of employees can become a sustainable management team.

Our Team

"If you want to inspire others, you have to burn yourself."

Let us look together into a positive future

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