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Music and sustainability

Music is an integral part of everyday life. Everyone listens to music every day. That is, music, a song, works with familiar means and does not require a separate explanation, but acts through itself.

Indian Musicproduction Solvig with Aadesh Shrivastava, Berlin-Mumbai

Solvig- the voice from Berlin, ELFE MUSIC & Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Franz Josef Radermacher, FAW Ulm, scientific director of the Pavilion of Visions of the 21st In the 19th century at EXPO, Hannover. Solvig von Guenther was commissioned by him to produce, compose and sing the final song „You can Believe“.

Here you can listen to the EXPO song „You can Believe“ from the album of the same name.

You can believe

Did you like the CD?

More music by Solvig 

Personal experiences using the example

of 2 music projects 

Music is indispensable in daily life. Everyone hears music every day. That means music, a song, works with well-known familiar means and needs no separate explanation, but works by itself.

Music can be independently controlled e.g. of the „product“ and „subject of sale“ are used and heard everywhere, in the car, leisure and work. This means that music supplements the spoken word or a written presentation and can consolidate long-term positive feelings.

Catchy melodies are sung along inside. A text with a positive attunement statement can be affirmative. Headline and key statements complement the concept of the company or organization.

1. You can believe (Millenium-Song)

  • Scientific forward-looking content is processed in an emotionally appealing way
  • Linguistic condensation and simplification as well as the effect of music on the level of the subconscious
  • The use of the medium music as a bridge to the heart, creation of opening, acceptance and anchoring of the transmitted information
  • Audience (through educational institutions, media, public events, meetings and conferences)
  • Presentation options by CD, video, live performances

  • Success through the use of given hearing and viewing habits

  • Songs and videos can also reach people who are not analytically accessible, e.g. at the end of lectures

    In the context of Expo 2000 Hannover composed and produced in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dr. Radermacher, FAW Ulm.


  • Beauty and destruction of the world

  • Demand for sustainability

  • Demand for responsibility for the future

    Experience and benefits:

  • Presented as a music or video presentation at various public events in the context of lectures, meetings, conferences and fairs

  • Examples:
    50th International Pedagogical Workshop in Salzburg: 3-day workshop for teachers: strong interest in the problem, subsequent use for teaching purposes in various subjects

  • Youth conventions in Berlin: strong interest in the problem

  • At the World Summit for Development and Sustainability in South Africa at the booth of the Federal Press Office of Germany, used as information for visitors
  • During the award ceremony of „Jugend forscht“ in the Goethe Institut of Johannesburg in the presence of local children and the public (especially strong emotional impression)

  • As a presentation or gift from the Salzburg Municipality for business customers and as an award for employees
  • In many NGOs, in the context of „Local Agenda-processes“, events for students, students and adult education

  • As a musical highlight for the opening of the international conferences „Digital Earth“, Brno and „VIII. Croatian Forum „in Zagreb.


2. The Globalization Saga (Musical)

Is available as a music album, as well as musical book and DVD including 12 videos

  • Inspired by the success of the Millenium song and completed in 2004
  • Different target groups are served by different topics, transfer means and identification components, choice and use of different stylistic means
  • Currently screenings as (music) video production, outcouplings

  • Goal in the future: media effectiveness through the use of Increase television and radio as well as organize musical performance


  • The path of sustainability is told through various political, economic and social developments
  • Presentation of current, diverse global activities (small credit movement in India, conference in Rio)

  • Reference to future-influencing developments (Energy problem with the example of oil)
  • Scenario shows current and past difficulties and processes hopes for the future. The story of the musical is about good and evil and love

    Experience and benefits:

  • Development of different occupational groups:
    Example: „Oil Song“ – „We can never get enough“ by engineers at World Energy Conference in Athens greatly welcomed Goal: as a video in Greek music television

  • Wide range of presentations and applications at conferences and events Example: Big banks, business associations and women’s organizations: India song „Woman around the earth“ opens up to the issue of respect for the achievements of women in the world today, keywords: overpopulation, small credit movement, strong interest in the CD for personal use

  • New contacts to similarly thinking partners in the field of sustainability and from areas such as the eco-social market economy (eg Biomass Association in Austria), education and research contexts (Institute for Migration) or to large companies in the fields of mobility and telecommunications for trade fair stands, meetings of executives , Open house, public events

  • As a video presentation at the World Summit for Information, Geneva

  • Musical star guest, opening ceremony of the exhibition „Focus on Nature“ of GTZ and „GEO“,
    Press and Information Office of the Federal Government.
    The videos „Woman around the earth and“ You can believe „are also part of the public exhibition
  • Star guest at the ceremony of the European conference „VIII. Croatian Forum „, Zagreb

    The world premiere of the music and fashion show of the two Berlin-based Enfant Terrible, the singer SOLVIG and the leather fashion designer Daniel RODAN, took place at the Long Night of Shopping on the FAB main stage (TV from Berlin).

    Participation in the MIDEM, (Biggest International Music Fair) in Cannes / France: „Oh Mother Africa“ (from „The Globalization Saga“) as video presentation for the event „Celebrate South Africa“ by the South African Embassy and the Galeria Kaufhof as well as at the „International Nights “ in the Kulturbrauerei, Berlin.

    Live performance with „You do it all“ (from „The Globalization Saga“) Moderation of the movie party as well as video presentations for the „2nd Berlin-Asia-Pacific-Filmfestival“

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